Sunday, June 29, 2014

Rise and Shine! Sunday June 29th - Lacoste

Short nights and long days! 

It messes with my mind and I'm sure I'm sleeping more than ever before but over here the sun sets at 10:45ish and rises at 6AM.

This morning I stayed up for the sunrise so that I could sleep in cause Brunch wasn't until 11am.
Here are some images I took. Just realized that my Samsung Galaxy lets me take Panoramas! So I've been enjoying that with these wonderful landscapes.

I started shooting at 1am with the image directly to the left.
Then 20 minutes to sunrise I began shooting more but it was so cloudy due to the rain that the sun isn't clear. nevertheless the space is wonderful! Literally a breathe of fresh air. I wake up counting my blessings and with a smile on my face.


Skyping my parents today was sweet. They aren't that tech savvy but my mom took the time to learn SKYPE. Sharing my surroundings with her and seeing my face I know is refreshing to her. My dad just kept repeating how awesome technology is and how nice this was. She's so proud of me its adorable to see her excitement. Something she said today that's resonating with me was this:

"That's why you got to be smart. Intelligent people get to enjoy things like this."

You work hard to play hard. And even though I'm taking two classes this is a vacation.
A wonderful summer in the South of France to create art, read, collect my thoughts, get closer to Gods creations and listen to my spirit. No distractions.

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