Monday, June 30, 2014

Impromtu Hike

I spent my evening after dinner curled up on a rooftop terrace in a blanket reading The Fertile Ground. I was so close I was ready to finish the book already.

After I finished reading Fertile Ground I had an urge to pray. And I knew that the sun was setting soon so I headed West! I like to pray up in high places.I knew that there was a little high point in the back of the campus but I had never there before. So I took my blanket and book and cell phone in hand, was off.

As I got higher-up the mountain I got excited. Because everything started looking like ancient ruins. there were stone steps and I was passing all these private residences. Next thing I know I see a railing and more steps that come up to a plateau. I could see almost everything and there were these statutes that were very Frida Khalo and Salvador Dali like. Very surreal . And I was ultimately looking a castle with a bridge over what used to be a moat (i think).

I took a 360 panorama and then saw a bunch of students headed down a dirt path.

I decided to follow still with blanket n book n phone in hand I entered the forest. This little journey lasted longer than I thought it would. And I was very unprepared with my little Sperry's on. there were cliffs, and big rocks, and ancient stuff. We came across an old amphitheater, a cave and two very large boulders that the kids climbed and looked out onto the valley from. I stayed on ground level.

Here was our view though at sunset....

On our way back I was nervous cause night was falling quickly. We all had little flashlights and my cellphone light beat it all. Heading back the group of 11 split and I was now a group of 5 going another path. the leader of thsi group took a different path back from the way we came. the single lane path soon became what looked like a dirt road that cars were on once before. We then came across bigger chateaus and private residences and a gargoyle. Eventually the dirt road came out to the main road which with the use of my compass on my phone I knew exactly which way was home. Once on the main road, i saw my very first bat. Or bats I should say and that was creepy. We also came across the other side of the first plateau I entered on. Its actually apart of one BIGGG property and some rich guy owns it cause its all gated and well kept. I'd like to return there and see who lives there.

Here are some pictures from my little hike when the sun retired for the night.

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