Sunday, October 14, 2012

Natural Hair Spotlights

So due to recent experiences and relationships being built amoungst hair salons, natural hair representatives, products, and individuals I have been inspired to build a deeper portfolio in terms of natural hair. Not only do I want this to be photography but I want it to be an opportunity for me to begin a conversation about individuals and their natural hair journeys.

I've also learned its beneficial to me as a photographer to be able to shoot basic video in terms of audio and light. And when I photograph people my portraits are as great as they are because I've gotten a chance to get to know them. A slice of their life in a still image is all I attempt to provide. Also I decided over the summer that I want to get my masters in Journalism. So every blog counts even more now lol. I want to appeal to others while still talking about things that matter to me and especially things that can help someone else and touch their lives. I choose to use my God given talents to serve.

So every post on a natural hair individual is going to be titled "Spotlight on ___________" whoever is the model. I did my first one today and I can't wait to showcase it later in a fresh new post!
I hope that these posts get deeper in the minds of ladies on their journey's because that what it is. Your hair is an extension of you. And from what I recently learned at the Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair Show is that there are a lot of things emotionally that put a strain on your body as well as your hair. As I learn more I'm starting to really see hair as a reflection of the individual. Maybe one day I'll look and feel someone's hair to determine who they are like Ray Charles felt a pair of hands.
I even got some books about natural hair that are dated back in the late 1990s and early 2000s which I hope will teach me some things that were known well before this "era" of going natural. I know its been going on much longer than most know.


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