Monday, June 6, 2011

Why am I here?

6-6-2011 / 8:41PM

I've always been well beyond my years. From elementary school and on my mannerisms, my speech, my outlook on life always aged me and shocked adults. But now I am an adult, by law at least, and in October I'll be 19. 
The year 2011 signaled diversions, fireworks, natural disasters and new obstacles to enter my path. But the main thing was May 21st 2011. For on that day I graduated from High School. "Big whoop!" Right? .... WRONG.
I'm the last of five lovely children whose last names match their skin and I am the most "out there" then the rest of the clan. The oldest is the Sage. #2 is the Messenger. #3 Is the Sensible one. #4 The Rebel. And #5 , me, The Negotiator
Honestly, I was spoiled but mostly cause my parents grew weary after the first four. And I got to do a lot of things the others would not have dared pushed ONLY because I always negotiated and never stopped asking questions. And in Jamaican Culture you should know better than to question your elders but my questioning has gotten me to so many places and encouraged the intelligence I have gained. 
Why am I here....................?
Because I have a voice that can only be unleashed in so many settings. Desires, ideals and aspirations that would be misconceived, mocked, or ignored by most. But here I feel freer behind my small computer screen and weathered keyboard. Ironic I know, but I'm on my way to places I dreamed to go. Not to say I would never make it, but it's exciting to see it unravel after dreaming for so many years. Some frown upon my choices and others pray it'll work out cause they have doubts. But I wouldn't put myself in these situations if I didn't think I had what it took. 
I'm ready for the mistakes, and the rejection and the rain cause after the storm the sun will rise again.
 Lol, pretty cliche I must say so myself but it's true. I'm a high school graduate and professional photographer.

Someone important once told me if people are paying you for your work that makes you a professional. And I agree, but I think I'm professional because thats who and what I choose to be.
I know I opened a few jars and probably left some unanswered questions
 but answers come to those who seek.
Through Blogger those who follow will soon be impressed to meet the Real Me.

#On A Train With No Breaks.

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