Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This is How I Feel

Its all about love.
The act of love
From start to finish
Or lack of finishing at all.
I'm fascinated and touched by love.
God has revealed in me a spirit and heart that has taken my emotions beyond the flesh
Beyond you, me, and any other body that may come up in between
I speak, sing, write, act, listen, help all cause of love.

My Lord and Savior wants nothing more then for me to take the love I have for him and share it.
HE wants a man to love me in a way that reflects the love HE has for me
Vice Versa

I'm not sad. I'm not disappointed. I'm not angry. I'm not impatient.
I'm in a place called wait and my GOD is molding me.
The right thing to do is never easy BUT I choose the right thing to do because it will bless me.
You do whats right simply because it's right.
As I embrace the molding and changes in my life I question EVERYTHING
Sometimes a little too much
I want to know who you are, what you mean and what your purpose is
I want to know why I do and DON'T feel a certain way.
Then I breath....

Let my mind settle down and go to God in prayer.
LORD I trust you and I know everything happens for a reason.
Guide me in a path that favors and honors you God

I'm happy to report I've been reading quite a bit of Proverbs in the bible. I've been referred to go to that book quite a bit this week. There is too much to post but Proverbs 18 and 31 are some key chapters! Not just the verse but the chapter which will make everything clearer.

Tonight I watched my friend George Lovett perform a tribute to the legendary Luther Vandross. The performance was beautiful and emotional as expected. This song by luther stood out to me tonight so I shared some of the words and the Youtube Video for you all to hear.
Listening to this song I feel that its not about going backwards and regretting anything. It's about accepting and knowing that if there was a 2nd chance it would be all for the love.
And of all the layers that have been pealed off my body I am starting finally rest in that thought and that feeling. Ultimately its all about the love. Not  the individuals and not the flesh.
But its about the beautiful, tender, genuine and true love that existed. And despite it's end it's the love that holds the greatest value and will always and forever be remembered.
I'm not coming home anymore, doesn't matter
Well if I had the chance to hold you again
I'd fill your heart with joy and make you remember
I'm the only one for you, yes I would
Let's throw the bad memories out and make this the first day
Forever, for always, for love


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