Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dear White People.....WAKE UP!

I    C a n ' t   W a i t   F o r   T h i s   M o v i e !

I find that often times in our society, especially as of recently, that we share truth behind comedy and hope that the wisdom shines through in the back of people's minds.

Examples of that being The Boondocks and this movie, "Dear White People"
From the few clips I have seen introducing this movie, yes I laugh cause its funny! But it is also the truth!
Revealing topics that need to be hot like the continuous battle between black people trying to be white and white people trying to be black. (this is a problem)

The irony is ridiculous! And our children don't even realize it. And if they do, they don't take it seriously cause they continue with their foolish ways degrading their god given bodies instead of appreciating what they were blessed with.

This past year I have learned the most from Savannah State Professors and Savannah natives, revolutionaries, and educators about our race, reputation and what our nation is doing to us. The United States is slowly killing, reconstructing, reshaping, and mis-educating our people and most of us don't even know it.
The looser parents get the worst it gets. People depending on technology and the media to educate our children instead of doing it themselves.

Where is our oral history?
Who is writing our public school curriculum?
Who is omitting black history?
Why must an individual wait till college to learn that our people were once kings and queens.
IF they choose to take an African history course
IF their college of choice even offers such a course!
They wonder why children are disinterested and misbehaving in school.
Have you read the stats for graduating black students?!
Do you know the numbers of black students being held back and being put in remedial behavior problem schools?!!!
Why must they be surprised to know that their beautiful brown skin they hated and hid for years used to be a commonality among our race!
Why do our beautiful young women despise their curls and aspire "blow in the wind blonde hair"
Why is my generation so lazy! (side note, save it for another blog post)

I digress.....
The world used to be small.
We were once all ONE TRIBE.
Why don't our children know that our skin color is not a "race".
Our skin is nearly an adaptation of ultra-violet light (the SUN).
Cause our race is the HUMAN RACE and we were made to adapt.
 Why do our children not know that race is a social construct that we can deconstruct if we choose?!
Why do our children not understand the effects of decades of assimilation have done to us?
What it is STILL doing to us?

Open Up,

In 1997 The American Anthropological Association (AAA) recommended that the U.S. government abandon the term "RACE" on official forms because it holds, " scientific justification in human biology."


Why are black models more successful in a European Market opposed to America?
Did you know France doesn't acknowledge race? Google their demographic stats, you will find no breakdown of races, no way to know how many blacks live here or whites or Asians. Everyone is considered French of various ethnic origins. Done.
Why are we being over charged for products and not fighting against it?
Why don't our children know there are people making money off of their arrest?
Why are we jailing the drug dealers instead of educating them cause there is always another way?
Where is the activist in my generation?
Where is the desire and inspiration to promote positive change?


I believe change starts with education.
These same educators who enlightened me teach the minds of a new individual every day.
It just takes one to continue the trend.
That's the new sexy

I don't know everything. And there is far more for me to experience, learn, realize and do
But the more I learn the more I think
The more I question things
And that is a powerful thing.

Decades ago the oppressors didn't want slaves to learn how to read or white.....why?
Cause they knew that knowledge was key. They knew with just the bare basics of reading and writing they would LEARN that they had the CAPABILITY to rise up from their current status. They might learn the truth of their worth and find fault in the system.


I pray that my generation and the ones to follow learn to read and write.
I pray that the learning of those fundamentals inspire them to teach their friends and their children.
I pray that if anyone ever tells them to put down that book or drop that pen, that they may rise up with the strength of God behind them and be granted the courage to not let that be so.

Times are changing and NOT all for the bad.
That technology we have...that thing called the internet holds many lies but also many truths.
Be inquisitive. Don't believe what you hear, don't believe me, discover validation for yourself on the web in a book. The internet puts millions of resources from the globe in one place on our computer screens.

One day my art will teach the masses. No meaningless  nor absent minded art. Aesthetics being only the cherry on top I believe God has a greater use and message for my creative talents to share with the world.


I encourage you to learn.
And start here with this:

(Source 1)

(Source 2)

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