Sunday, July 8, 2012

Natural Hair Do's

My speech teach Mr. Campbell announced from the first day of class how fascinating my hair is. I've been washing my hair every two weeks or so now and I have been trying my best NOT to tie it down into one style.
Each day is a new style and says something toward my outfit. I love this experimentation cause with my hair out on its own I'm challenged every day not to do the same thing I did yesterday! My mom hates when I do this but I love it! She says my hair own in its all mighty natural state is how "Mad Women" in Jamaica wear their hair... lol. Whatever!
The most I've gotten her to do is China Bump my hair or what you hair professionals call Bantu Knots. In the country, us Jamaicans refer to them as China Bumps and pronounce China "Chi-knee" lol. My late Grandma use to part her white hair and twist it and roll it into these bumps on her head. Its something I found funny before but the next morning when she took it down her hair was all wavy. Well for me Bantu Knots provide a thick coil that's springy and even tighter when I do it Jamaican style by twisting it first.

The best thing about my mom doing my China Bumps in my hair is that she got to use another Black Earth Product. She is stubborn and she has to use something before she believes in it. OR she'll believe in it if it was on one of her shows like Dr. Oz or the Doctors -__-
Anywaay she also thinks I ruined my hair...So now! She was combing my hair and praising how beautiful and long my hair still is and how I should show off my length and how no one knows how long and pretty my hair is because I wear it like rasta mad woman. lol.

The thing is that I'm happy with my hair and I no longer feel the need to show off my length like I used to. People who KNOW hair can look at my hair once and praise my length and bucket me with compliments. And if they don't know hair they'll think I cut it or I'm going natural, unbeknownst to them I've been natural all my life. I like keeping people guessing. As long as I'm loving my hair that's all what matters.
To me I have the best of both worlds. Long hair when I choose and short hair when I choose. And medium when I choose. Without cutting a strand! Wet/or Dry! Thats the POWER and CONTROL I have with my hair being natural! Do you have that authority with your hair?

Lots of my other styles come from the use of lots and lots of hair pins.
The products I use mostly are Curly Curl Cream and style N shine for my Bantu Knots.

The great thing is that I don't use this stuff daily. Once its in my hair I reactivate it by moistening my hair with water. It saves on the product too!

Enjoy the Pictures!!!!
(The Last Style is how my hair is currently)
I also enlarged the final style since I have some process images in here as well :)

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