This weekend officially puts a CLOSE to my Summer 2013.
I've had a bunch of "bloggable" things to write about and spill but I didn't post a thing.
Since my last blog post I have:
Battled friendships
Gone to Jamaica - Experienced the country as an adult and awed over romantic possibilities.
Reconnected with the Solar System - The moon is my means of communication with someone unknown or known.
Met an old friend - Proof is what I like to call him.
Found a new Model
Left Florida and returned to Savannah
Passed my treacherous summer courses with straights A's
Made $1000
Made a plan - I financially live my life monthly and on a STRICT budget
Become a health-nut: I drink my vegetables and fruit and they taste amazing!
Applied to about 10 different job positions
Found another new model
Tempted to just show up and stop someone in their tracks - I decided not to.
Turned Up
Flirted some more - I do it without even knowing
Made a mistake TWICE
Seriously compared myself to the life of artist Diego Riveria
Had a photo shoot with my fashionable buddy Touss
Hated on - It sucks to speak to people who you think knew you but by their diction you learn they really don't.
Re-evaluated what I want for myself
Learned from Said Mistakes - Prayer
Lied to myself
Let it all Go
Finished Season 2 of Scandal on Netflix
Planned my 21st birthday party
Had a job interview
Accepted my state, where I am, and how I am not going to do anything about it.
Made a to-do list
Shut down everything temporary and irrelevant
Typed this blog post - which brings us to NOW
Blogging is not the same because certain people rather read than talk to me. Reading seems to inspire a phone call or text message. Certain people read for the wrong reasons. It is my BELIEF not fact, but my belief that certain people read my blog posts to check up on me, read into any possible love life and friendships. It is my belief that certain people find SatisFACTION in my loneliness and failed associations... But I'm probably wrong about that.
So I'm switching things up.
Cause I do enjoy blogging it will be less because I plan on doing nothing and I mean nothing other than school, making money, and career stuff. I only have fun if its free, I can't pick up a shift, and or all my monthly expenses are covered. End of story.
I am on a strict budget, monitoring my expenses and income.
Praying on my finances asking God to relieve the stress from me because I know He'll make a way out of no way. I am nothing and HE is everything. I know nothing, all that I know and do is because of Him.
Weeks ago my sister who is a DJ emailed me Janelle Monae's album Electric Lady. I had been meaning to hear it but forgot. I saw so many facebook status's today about how awesome her album was I stopped for a moment to download it an played it while I worked at home. One song in particular blessed my spirit. The song is below for you all to enjoy.
"To win you'll have to lose all the things you know Trying to light the fire deep inside Father take all the fears and sorrow from my life Cause when the rain falls My seed will grow" ~Janelle Monae
How it relates to me is in every lyric and prayer. Cause Lord knows its raining on my life in my world. But that's okay cause my fine ass will produce a beautiful garden.