Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Hairstyle!

Last night I got my hair did!

I went to the salon, THE NAPPY HUTT, and Zakiyah gave me a lovely style. I was going to get a rod set but I didn't have the time to wait for that to dry. With all the hair on my head it would be at least 3 hrs under the dryer!! Ain't no body got time for that! So we stuck to 2 strand twist. I wanted something sexy, I do sassy hair well and I wanted it to be Mohawk inspired cause I do those well too.
That morning though was chilly due to the rain from the night before. I was wearing a sweater for a good part of the day and then moved into a black T when the sun came out. My brother in law said my outfit was very 70s lol. I took a picture before class with my friend Shannon and its "so college" it looks like a college ad photo from the 80s. I support that :)

But anyway back to my hair. So last time I had my hair done 3 weeks ago just about, I posted a blog called "Hair doesn't lie" and I shared with you readers about my hair thinning. Yes as thick as my hair is, it was thinning especially in the back and center of my scalp, unfortunately that was due to stress. That was pretty much the last straw for me and I attempted to make some changes in my daily routine. Started working out a little bit, getting more sleep, and focusing on things that did not cause stress! Well when Zakiyah started twisting my hair she gave me an update on my hair strands.
Good news is that its not thinning anymore.
Bad news is the thinning left a lot of breakage.
Damage was done and unfortunately its  temporarily permanent damage. luckily its only in the center of my scalp so its not like I'll see it everyday and only hair professionals would know the difference. My hair is thick and fluffy so when twisted it swells to its fullness. Well the hair in the middle doesn't swell and I have all these crazy strands of hair sticking out of what should be a flat twist, that's the breakage. The only thing I can do is wait for it to grow out and eventually I'll be cut off when I get a trim. So lets pray my hair starts growing exponentially faster!

Church last Sunday was beautiful so beautiful I need to write its own post about it. But I just felt the need to mention it here. Cause this morning I had my prayer with my spiritual mother and I was telling her about it and boy do I wish some people in particular were there.  My spiritual mother's prayer was awesome this morning. I love how I can update her on my week and we can talk about it and then pray to GOD in praise, gratitude, and call on him for action and guidance. We're praying for you, for ourselves, for our loved ones we see in trouble and when I say in trouble I mean without Christ. She told me that she loves to hear me speak, to hear the hope in my words that are nothing short of a blessing from God. I'm not perfect, I have my moments too. I have happy posts, sad posts, and even angry posts, but no matter the emotion my faith in God is never any less, I never doubt him, and I know to trust him in everything I do.

This week is a tough week for me emotionally but God also made it a busy one and he is filling it with events and people that will keep me busy so I have no time to sulk.
I am living.
I am living in the arms of a magnificent GOD.
Learning, succeeding, failing, and learning some more from those failures.
I don't let just anything happen.
Yes whatever happens happens, but I pray that those happenings are the will of God.
God blessed us with a choice.
The will of man and the will of God.
And I CHOOSE to have nothing in my life but the will of God.

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