Track Season!
My endurance sucks so I always started conditioning in December so that my body would be used to exercise and a real work out by February. As the season got closer my body got stronger and ready for hard work and BAM! Legs tone, abs tight, little arm muscles trying lol.I had been running since I was in the 5th grade. But at the time Banyan Creek didn't have an established track team nor any other school to compete against. Therefore our practices were running back and forth, push up contests and sit up contests after school.
Middle School I got serious. In 6th grade legends were the 8th grade star athletes like TK and Avery, but my eyes were on my sister Shaina. I always ran for fun, i simply had a need for speed, but I also ran to keep up with my sister. She was in high school and sooooo fast! Of course I wanted to make her proud. I'll never forget writing her number on my face and looking up to the sky asking God to help me win this race for her.
No one knew about me running until our first home meet at Carver. Looking at my frail self people assumed /I ran the mile or hurdles. But I was never good at long distance. I ran the hundred meter dash and people surely laughed at me until they saw me Zoom! All my life I've been "Shaina's little sister" but track gave me a name for myself. the fast ass skinny black girl with glasses, then in high school the fast ass IB black girl...with glasses lol.
My Senior year though....had many successes but one major fail. I didn't run track. And as disappointed as people were no one can fully understand the fight I had with myself about whether to run or not. My IB exams were around the time of Districts and Regionals, and I don't have it in me to start something and not finish it, especially with Track. School, new job, scholarships, ceremonies, everything kept me from track. But I had to remember that I did it for fun, I wasn't looking to be scouted or nothing. But senior year would have been a year to shine especially since my main competition in Palm Beach County graduated. I attempted to come back once, and boy was that a failure. I had happy faces and cold eyes looking at me like, "Oh look who came crawling back!" and "I hope she don't think she getting on this 4x1" and "She betta not be running at the meet tomrrow!" The words hurt but not as much as walking away from that track.
I tried to replace track with a gym membership but that was just a waste of money.
All year long, and even to this day I have flashes of running. I miss the feeling of my track shoes, the jump at the sound of the gun. I even miss the feeling of Death after my 200 but success when I qualify for the next round or beat my old time. Now the school I'm going to doesn't even have a track team, only cross country, and LORD know's how I feel about long distance! -____-
I like being in shape. I don't watch calories and carbs nor my weight. But I do watch my cholesterol and how my body looks. I've considered going back to my old Kung Fu Sensei but it's at my church and idk about memorizing all those bible verses just to move up in belt level...and I really love hip hop aerobics, and I'd love to get into pole fitness to strengthen my puny arms. But all these options cost money in some way. I'll pick one soon though verry soon! Because I wanna go to college being myself. I've always been thin but I know where my body could be right now especially if I had ran last season.
Some how or another track will always remain in my life, I had too much fun and too many supporters and haters not to keep it in my life. Plus I can't get these images out of my head!!
Can't stay still.
Blood Pumping
Heart racing and hands sweating.
jumping into my lane, stomach twisting and twirling
toes, hands, fingers tingling.
Last minute stretch
Jump 3 times
Kick my legs back as I get into the blocks
Once glance toward the finish line
Another glance toward the sky
Eyes back on the lane...
zooooooom! I'm outta there.
#i miss the feel of my track shoes